by Nikki | Sep 20, 2013 | DIY, Halloween
Check out last years post here. Halloween is going to be here before we know it! I really haven’t any though to what I’d like to dress up as but I have been finding a lot of great inspiration so I thought I’d share. Bumblebee Pinball machine Rubiks...
by Nikki | Sep 5, 2013 | DIY, diy crafts, Halloween, Thanksgiving
Fall has arrived! Where I live in Southern California, we are having a very hot spell so it really doesn’t feel like Fall yet. Still, I am excited for the cliches like pumpkin lattes, earth tones, eating chili and so on. How about you? source source source...
by Nikki | Sep 4, 2013 | DIY, diy crafts, Home Organizing
I made these cork boards for my article in ecoParent magazine – Fall, 2013 issue. They are easy to make and a stylish addition to your office, bedroom or kitchen. You will need: Adhesive backed cork board (can be bought by the roll at Craft stores) corrugated...
by Nikki | Sep 4, 2013 | diy cleaning tips and products, Home Organizing
Here are a few important things you should do every day to keep your home looking neat and organized. 1. Make your bed every morning. It only takes a few minutes and you will be rewarded by seeing a neat bed every time you go to your bedroom during the day. Even if...
by Nikki | Jul 22, 2013 | diy sewing projects, Fabric Information, Interior Design
As a designer, I have access to fabrics that have been discounted, or marked down. It may be because they have been discontinued, or the supplier wants to move older stock, or just a flash sale, but every week or so I will be high-lighting some of these fabrics so...
by Nikki | Jun 19, 2013 | DIY, diy sewing projects, Fashion
I love these wire headbands from American Apparel so much that I decided I needed to replicate it myself! Inspiration: You will need: Fabric (enough to wrap around your head + at least 6″ and then 5″ wide) Scissors Needle + thread or sewing machine...