by Nikki | Oct 29, 2013 | DIY, Halloween
Here are a few fast and easy ideas (the first one is a fork in the road!)
by Nikki | Sep 20, 2013 | DIY, Halloween
Check out last years post here. Halloween is going to be here before we know it! I really haven’t any though to what I’d like to dress up as but I have been finding a lot of great inspiration so I thought I’d share. Bumblebee Pinball machine Rubiks...
by Nikki | Sep 5, 2013 | DIY, diy crafts, Halloween, Thanksgiving
Fall has arrived! Where I live in Southern California, we are having a very hot spell so it really doesn’t feel like Fall yet. Still, I am excited for the cliches like pumpkin lattes, earth tones, eating chili and so on. How about you? source source source...
by Nikki | Oct 26, 2012 | DIY, Halloween
I always think that the best Halloween costumes are the ones a person makes themselves. It’s amazing to see just how creative people can get! Here are a few I like. What are you dressing up as for Halloween? Or what has your favourite Halloween costume...
by Nikki | Oct 24, 2012 | DIY, Halloween
I love Pinterest especially for all of the DIY projects I come across! Glitter Heels Bleach Pen Shower Curtain Rings High Low Dress Dog Bed And with Halloween coming up quick, it’s time to do some last minute holiday projects! Wine Bottles Spider...
by Nikki | Oct 8, 2011 | DIY, Fall Decorating, Halloween
Etsy has some amazing Halloween decorations! Whether you want to buy them or just be inspired, they are very creative. Check it out!Table luminaries momma mink Ghost and pumpkin candle holders tada workshop Wine glass shades wetherbee designs Bats decal decal lab...