Eco-friendly Christmas Cards

It’s that time of the year where people start figuring out a game plan for Christmas cards! There are so many options available these days but I’ve narrowed it down to some eco-friendly ones.Green Field Paper This website offers an adorable variety of...

Go Green… Ikea!

I recently received the newest IKEA catalog in the mail and was so pleased to see that they’re making a great effort to go green! The company had adopted the motto “Low price — but not at any price” to reflect their eco-friendly ways.Beginning...

Eco-Friendly Cards/Invitations

Have an event to plan or just want to send out a cute thank-you note? There are a ton of great designers out there offering up eco-friendly invitations and cards. Check out a few of my favourites:Sweet Invitations Made with aster petals and grass! These handmade cards...

Some Great Eco Friendly Fabric Finds

I am going to start giving you regular updates on some of the best eco-friendly fabrics out there! The number of suppliers is constantly growing (thank goodness) and many of these fabrics are available to purchase online with no minimum cuts (you can buy small...

An Eco-Friendly Vacation

An Eco-Friendly Vacation I’ve talked a lot on this blog about being more eco-friendly in your home but what about when you travel?  Summer vacation is fast approaching and a lot of people will be taking trips.  Here are some ways to travel while still being...