DIY Envelope Pillow Cover

DIY Envelope Pillow Cover

Envelope Pillow Cover Tutorial You will need: pillow form scissors fabric (see Step 1 for amount) measuring tape iron marker sewing machine thread Step 1: Use the measuring tape to measure your pillow from side to side and top to bottom. Mine is square and measures...

DIY – How to Make a Slipcovered Ottoman

I have published this post in the past, and decided it was worth “updating” and publishing again! 1.  Purchase an ottoman from a discount store or Thrift store, or make one out of plywood.  The plywood box I made measures 20” wide x 16” tall, finished.  I...

DIY Romantic Wreath

Happy Valentine’s Day!!  I have a romance inspired DIY post for you all today.  This floral wreath can work all year round but I think it’s especially nice for February, Spring and Winter.  If you want to make a larger 18″ wreath, you’ll need...

Folded Star Decoration

I have a very simple DIY project to share with you all today! Inspired by This project is pretty kid-friendly and can be done very quickly.You’ll need:- paper- glue (optional)- scissors- ribbon, string or ornament hookI wanted to be eco-friendly and use...