by Nikki | Dec 17, 2011 | DIY, diy gift ideas, diy sewing projects
Here is a really simple fabric gift bag you can make in around 5 min, as long as you have some basic sewing skills! I wanted my finished bag to be around 7″ wide x 8″ tall, so I cut a piece of fabric (I used hemp/cotton muslin) 15″ x 8″. I cut...
by Nikki | Nov 8, 2010 | Eco Friendly Living Tips, Fabric Information
Some of you may be wondering why it is so important to use organic fabrics. What’s the difference? Well, here are a few facts: Regular cotton is one of the most heavily sprayed agricultural crops in the world, using some of the most toxic chemicals available. ...
by Nikki | Apr 1, 2010 | Fabric Information
Have you ever wondered how silk fabric is made? Silk fibers are collected from silk worm cocoons. Silk worms are carefully monitored with controlled temperatures to insure that they will produce a cocoon. They are fed constantly allowing them to multiply their weight...
by Nikki | Mar 21, 2010 | Fabric Information
Linen is generally made from flax-fibers but it can also be made of hemp or cotton. Organic linen means the linen is made from plant fibers and grown without the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers. The quality of the finished product depends on how it was grown...
by Nikki | Feb 16, 2010 | Eco Friendly Living Tips, Fabric Information, Fashion
Maybe you’ve been wondering what exactly organic cotton is or how it differs from the cotton that you may be used to. Organic cotton is much safer for our environment as well as ourselves and in no way interferes with the overall quality of its products. In...