For 2012 I made a list of things I could do to be more eco-friendly. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the changes I have made! I definitely created some great new habits. Let’s take a look at what I accomplished….
- Eat out less (avoid take home containers, share meals or bring own tupperware). I did not accomplish this, really.
- Shop locally. I do shop at a local grocery store most of the time but that’s about it.
Replace all bulbs with eco-smart ones.- Thrift more-buy new less. Definitely failed at this one.
- Avoid online shopping.
And this one. Continue to not eat/buy animal products.Try to create less trash.Recyle recyle recycle.Always remember to use reusable shopping bags (small ones for produce).- Don’t buy
paper towelsor wipes. Half completd. I don’t use paper towels but I do buy the GreenWorks wipes. -
Use reusable cups.I slipped up a few times over the holidays at Starbucks but generally I am good about this. - Re-use Zipoc bags/make own. I still need to make some!
Buy a menstrual cup.Did this and haven’t looked back! I got the Diva Cup and absolutely love it. I definitely prefer it to the throw away tampons. No new magazine subscriptions.-
Don’t buy individually wrapped foods.I’m pretty good about this but could be better. Sprouts wraps a lot of its organic produce which is so annoying. DIY beauty products.- Donate clothes
Buy more organic.Air dry washed laundry.Use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning.-
Buy items in glass packaging vs plastic and re-use them.I now have more glass bottles than I know what to do with haha - Make my own spice mixes. I’ve only made taco seasoning so far.
Unplug appliances when not in use.- Grow another herb garden.
- Grow my own tomatoes and strawberries.
- Don’t let water run when washing dishes. Ugh, I’m still so bad about this.
Freeze foods before they go bad.Unsubscribe/cancel junk mail.- Use wool dryer balls instead of sheets. Note to self: buy wool balls.
Try soap nuts instead of laundry detergent.Love them! Re-use toilet paper rolls.- Turn off computer at night.
Take shorter showers.-
Take notes/write down grocery lists on used paper.I also use my phone now. AnyList app is great! -
Buy from bulk bins at natural grocery stores.I even use reusable bags for this. -
DIY all Christmas gifts in 2012.I made most of them! I made a lot of stuff.
Did you accomplish your 2012 goals/resolutions?