Eco-friendly shoes are shoes which have been made, produced and sold in an ecologically friendly way. Some are vegan or vegetarian, meaning they do not contain any animal products. Others may use all-natural ingredients. Many companies who make eco-friendly shoes try to use sustainable resources or recycle used materials. Sometimes, shoe companies will employee people in factories found in economicallyd epressed regions. Often, environmentally friendly shoes help promote/support human rights efforts!
Womens shoes
1. Simple Shoes
2. Naya Timpas
5. Form Fauna
Mens shoes
Kids shoes
Thank you so much for featuring Naya’s Timpas, Mcloud and Salida. We truly believe in empowering women to renew their body, spirit and earth and it’s great to see blogs like NikkiDesigns with a great philosophy as well.
– Stephanie from Naya Twitter: @NayaShoes
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